Risk Assesment For My Mobile Catering Van

by mark pasfield
(west lothian)

Hi, got to agree with everyone else this website is inspirational,i am in the process of starting up and have a 1001 questions most of which have been answered by reading questions from like minded people.

My gas appliances are being tested tomorrow and should pass without any problems, in the near future my electrics will be checked by a sparky.

Then I’m nearly ready for my inspection by environmental health.

What I need is a risk assessment done before they come out but I don’t have a clue what to do
Does anyone have a template for an assessment or any advice on how to do it?

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Jan 28, 2025
Risk Assessment Mobile Catering Trailer/Van
by: David-

A Risk Assessment for a mobile catering trailer or van is essential to identify potential hazards, evaluate risks, and implement control measures to ensure the safety of workers, customers, and the public. Below is a detailed guide:

1. General Overview
A mobile catering unit poses risks related to equipment, transportation, food preparation, customer interaction, and environmental conditions. A proper risk assessment should:

Identify hazards.
Evaluate who might be harmed and how.
Implement control measures.
Regularly review and update the assessment.

2. Key Hazards and Risks

A. Fire Hazards
Hazard: Use of gas cylinders, fryers, ovens, and grills.
Risk: Fire from gas leaks, overheating, or poor ventilation.
Control Measures:
Regularly inspect and maintain gas appliances.
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Keep fire extinguishers and fire blankets accessible.
Train staff in fire safety procedures.
Store gas cylinders securely and away from heat sources.

B. Food Safety

Hazard: Improper storage, preparation, or handling of food.
Risk: Foodborne illnesses.
Control Measures:
Use refrigerated storage for perishable items.
Adhere to strict hygiene protocols (e.g., regular handwashing, sanitized surfaces).
Maintain correct cooking temperatures (e.g., 75°C+ for hot food).
Label and separate raw and cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination.

C. Electrical Safety

Hazard: Use of electrical appliances and connections.
Risk: Electrical shock, faulty equipment, or power overloads.
Control Measures:
Regularly PAT (Portable Appliance Testing) test all electrical equipment.
Use waterproof connectors for outdoor setups.
Avoid overloading sockets or using damaged cables.

D. Transportation Risks

Hazard: Moving the trailer/van to different locations.
Risk: Vehicle accidents or damage during transit.
Control Measures:
Perform regular vehicle and trailer maintenance.
Secure all equipment before transit to prevent movement.
Ensure drivers are properly licensed and trained.

E. Slips, Trips, and Falls

Hazard: Spilled liquids, uneven surfaces, or trailing cables.
Risk: Injuries to staff or customers.
Control Measures:
Clean spills immediately and display "Wet Floor" signs.
Use anti-slip mats in high-risk areas.
Organize cables to avoid tripping hazards.

F. Manual Handling

Hazard: Lifting heavy equipment or stock.
Risk: Back injuries or strains.
Control Measures:
Train staff in proper lifting techniques.
Use trolleys or lifting aids for heavy items.

G. Environmental Hazards

Hazard: Working outdoors in varying weather conditions.
Risk: Heatstroke, dehydration, or hypothermia.
Control Measures:
Provide shade or shelter for extreme weather.
Ensure staff have access to water and appropriate clothing.
Check weather forecasts and plan accordingly.

H. Public Safety

Hazard: Customers crowding or interacting near hot equipment or moving vehicles.
Risk: Burns, collisions, or accidents.
Control Measures:
Use barriers to separate customers from cooking areas.
Display clear warning signs for hot surfaces.
Ensure a safe parking location with adequate space.

I. Waste Management

Hazard: Improper disposal of waste (e.g., food waste, grease).
Risk: Pest infestations, slip hazards, or environmental pollution.
Control Measures:
Use secure bins for food waste.
Properly dispose of grease and oils.
Regularly remove waste from the site.

3. Who Might Be Harmed?

Staff: From slips, burns, manual handling injuries, etc.
Customers: From hot surfaces, food contamination, or trip hazards.
Public: During transportation or from improper waste management.
Contractors: When performing maintenance or inspections.

4. Risk Level and Controls

Risk Likelihood Severity Risk Level Control Measures
Fire Medium High High Fire extinguishers, regular checks, staff training
Foodborne Illness Medium High High Hygiene protocols, food safety training
Electrical Accidents Low High Medium PAT testing, avoid overloading
Transportation Risks Medium High High Vehicle maintenance, proper securing of equipment
Slips/Trips/Falls Medium Medium Medium Anti-slip mats, prompt cleanup

5. Action Plan and Monitoring

Assign Responsibilities: Ensure a specific person is in charge of each safety area (e.g., fire safety, food hygiene).

Regular Inspections: Conduct weekly or monthly checks of equipment and safety measures.
Training: Provide staff training on fire safety, food handling, and manual handling techniques.
Record Incidents: Keep a log of any incidents and review them to improve safety measures.
Review Assessment: Reassess risks annually or after any significant change (e.g., new equipment or location).

Apr 27, 2021
Risk Assessment
by: Anonymous

Hi sir,

Request you to please give us Risk Assessment of food transport vehicle.

Feb 01, 2014
by: Anonymous

I'm afraid your links don't work sir, unfortunate as
it's exactly what i'm looking for. kind regards

Mar 22, 2013
risk assesment
by: mandy huxford tasty tucker wickes dunstable

Hi David,

I've just spoken with a very helpfull lady called lisa at d.t.council, with a view to be considered for up and comeing events within dunstable.

All though I have every thing in place that lisa mentioned is, i dont have a risk assesement, please can you advise me on how to do or where to get a risk assesmaent form from, if there is such a thing,


Reagards mandy huxford...TASTY TUCKER... mandyhuxford@live.co.uk

Jul 29, 2010
Risk Assesment For Mobile Catering Trailer
by: David

Hi Mark,

Its very good to hear that things are coming together for you.

With regards to risk assessment its a matter of identifying potential risk within your catering trailer and then addressing those risks to see if you can minimize them.

I have found these 2 booklets to help you along and which will hopefully answer your questions.


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