My Husband and I Brought a Catering Van in January - Not Having Success

by Sophie

It was so interesting to read about when you started your catering business. My husband and I bought a catering van in January and unfortunately we haven't had the same success as you.

We started in January on an industrial estate, the same van had been there for ten years with the previous owner but low and behold, the builders who had been there for over seven years, moved out in March which was a disaster!

So then we moved it to a lay-by nearer home literally just on the side of a main road.

We have good quality food, my husband dresses smartly in a chef’s top, he is always smiley and approachable, our prices are highly competitive.

It varies so much how much he earns day to day, but sometimes he doesn't even cover costs.
We have done a few local shows but are really interested in doing something every week.

You mentioned night clubs; we thought about that, did you ever ask the council regarding this? What kind of response did you get?

Also, we want to do car boot sales but we don't have many round our way and all of them have been going for some time so we can't get in there.

We are really struggling now, it’s never really earned us any money but we don't want to just give up, maybe it's just a matter of time in building up your customer base.

Thanks a lot; any advice would be gratefully received!

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Oct 11, 2011
Keep Going and Give 100%
by: David

Hi Sophie,

I?m sorry that you?re struggling with the business, but it's really part business and it could just be a case of finding another pitch or finding work further afield.

You?re going through a rough patch, but just hang on in there.

I was in a similar situation to your, in that a building site pitch that I was working on was nearing the end of the contract, and my work was drying up fast. In the end I found a pitch but it was 22miles from my home as I couldn?t find anything closer.

It worked out for a while, but then I found another pitch which was much better. The only problem was that it was also in the same area - 22miles from home.

With regards to working outside a nightclub, if the club has its own car park and they give you permission to trade, it just a matter of finding out if the council doesn?t mind/care you trading those hours. Some local councils don?t mind and others may not agree, so it all depends.

The good thing is, if you can get on site there will be many hungry people looking for food and hot drinks before they go home, so it may be worth it for you.

So I would say keep going, give 100% until you have really exhausted all avenues to establish and grow your business.

Best of luck

p.s Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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